Saturday, December 30, 2006

2006 & 2007

1. 讀完書畢到業 + 考professional exam
2. 轉了去hell-like dept, 證明了自己的工作 / 生存能力
3. 一個人去了日本2次, 到深山野嶺看櫻花, 賞紅葉
4. 搬屋, 真正5星級的家
5. 真正的交心朋友都對我很好, 我覺得自己好幸運

一年內竟然完成了首4項, seriously, 我真係覺得自己好超人 XD

2007 resolutions / wishes:
1. 說一口流利英語
2. fast-track 2年 + big pay rise
3. professional exam one-shot pass晒
4. 到土耳其和吳哥窟旅行
5. 畀我睇一場Dir en Grey或Gazette的演唱會吧


12月只係返左3日 (原本4日, 其中1日sick leave) - don't ask me why, anyway I got paid!
又重溫以前undergrad學生時代sem-break的懶洋洋感覺, 甚至可以每天躲在家看《放學ICU》,《我們這一家》,《多啦A夢》同《Keroro軍曹》

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Gazette - 'Cassis'
Gazette - '貴女ノ為ノ此ノ命'

Saturday, December 23, 2006

merry christmas

- Thanks to people who sent me christmas cards -
forgive me friends, you know I'm preparing for the professional exam, so I can't afford to reply you all one by one. Wish you all have a warm and merry Christmas.
大阪市中央区心斎橋筋, 麦かつ食堂・かつ満

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Wolfgang A. Mozart - 'Fantaisie sur "La Flute enchantee, "The Magic Flute"' (feat. Gil Shaham & Akira Eguchi)
Richard Strauss - 'Waltzes, "Der Rosenkavalier"' (feat. Gil Shaham & Akira Eguchi)

Monday, December 18, 2006



跟旅行團, 導遊不會帶你看這種沒有佣金收的東西/ 沒有shopping和食物(不能說美食), 而又不順路的地方。

神戸ルミナリエ, 神戸市中央区旧外国人居留地界隈および東遊園地

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
中島美嘉 - '雪の華'
Gazette - '菫'
徐小鳳 - '徐想曲'

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Not just a storm in a teacup.

If memory serves me right, I never talked about the business world and politics on this blog. Maybe today I should start it - to show people I have brain and I think. :p

Last night I read Jeremy Zawodny's open protest to Google on his blog (title: 'Google Blatantly Copies Yahoo!?'). Zawodny, an employee of Yahoo!, found Google has copied Yahoo!'s promo page of upgrading to IE7 and sloppishly modified it. The Yahoo! PR group confirmed the page was designed by themselves and nobody, including Microsoft, has ever provided a template to Yahoo!, Google or MS's partners. Zawodny protested for Google's ridiculous and low act and provided two images to enable our side-by-side comparison:-
Yahoo! version Google version
The pages created by Yahoo! and Google are surprisingly similar - but note, Yahoo! designed and promoted this page in October and Google only started to publicize its version 2 days ago. So it is doubted that (perhaps I should say 'undoubted' to Yahoo! people) Google has plagiarized Yahoo!'s IE7 promo page.

And 11 hours later, Google 'revised' their IE7 promo page.

I read through the readers' comments on Zawodny's article and noted there's a respond from Matt Cutts (the head of the Google's Webspam team). Cutts apologized for Google's act - in surface, and then fought back by instances (which form the essential part of his article 'IE7 promo page') of Yahoo! plagiarizing Google's side ads designs and page layout, etc. with images for side-by-side contrasting. Here is one of the examples given by Cutts:-
Google's version Yahoo! version
If Cutts' accusation of Yahoo! copied Google's UI design is grounded, Yahoo! is absolutely more 'wrong' in terms of extent, nature and visibility. So who is 'lower', actually?

Let's go into the reason of Google's copying. The laziest thought is the Google designers were too lazy or had too little time to come up with a new design, so they copied. I think, if they could get a new page within 11 hours, they must have had prepared a second version. And why did they prepare a 2nd ver.? Or will they be so stupid to copy their competitor in such a blatant way? Did Google intentionally plagiarize Yahoo!'s promo page to provoke them, let Yahoo! raise the issue and then go public, and thereby lead us to see Yahoo! has long been stealing Google's R&D results? Or the whole thing is just a blah marketing trick?

I'm pro Google. XD

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
側田 - '情歌'

Monday, December 11, 2006


caught a flu again~ it's bad to sniff, sneeze and blow my nose all the day.
The last time of having a flu happened during the trip to Japan in October because I was infected in the plane, I believe. It's no fun to get ill when you are travelling.

かぜ藥 - 購自佐佐浪薬局, 盛惠1260円。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Gazette - '花言葉'

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


栃木県日光市, 華嚴滝展望台

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Nicolo Paganini - 'Violin concerto no.1 in D major. op.6' (feat. Hilary Hahn)
Louis Spohr - 'Violin concerto no.8 in A minor, op.47, "in modo di scena cantante"' (feat. Hilary Hahn)
Gazette - '十七歲'

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Questions about Blog

(Quoted from littleoslo's blog)

saintvenus adds:
為什麼朋友們要告訴你: 我正在看你的blog?
為什麼有些人英文奇差, 但又喜歡用錯漏百出的英文 (有時甚至夾雜英文粗話) 寫blog?

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thank you.

Thank you for your guidance and helping me to move on.
I'm so grateful for all that you've done.

See you in January.神奈川県JR橫浜駅東口, シーバス乗場

溫左書果科financial reporting得果2x分

It's time to study harder... just focus on the exam and forget all other things.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
SMAP - 'Lion heart'
あさき - '月光蝶'

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Luna Sea - 'Believe'

Saturday, November 18, 2006


沙甸魚(sardine)是其中一種我喜歡吃的魚。很多人都愛吃三文魚, 但我就沒有興趣 - 不是覺得這種魚難吃, 而是我覺得世上有許多魚都比牠好吃啊。

沙甸魚又稱薩丁魚、鰛和鰯, 屬於脊椎動物亞門硬骨魚綱、條鰭亞綱鯡目。小者長二寸, 大者尺許, 下顎較上顎略長, 牙齒不明顯, 背蒼腹白, 肉美, 多用來製為罐頭食品。最初在意大利薩丁島捕獲而得名。

這魚有好多種吃法, 有烤的, 刺身, 沙律, 伴烤多士和蔬菜, 但最常見的是罐頭茄汁味, 或油浸的。通常罐頭中裝的是兩條或以上沙甸魚的身體部分,顯得很擁擠。所以英語有句成語: ‘It was papked like sardines’- 塞得像沙甸魚罐頭一樣, 人多, 擁擠不堪。

我最喜歡的一種食法是橄欖油浸沙甸魚伴熱騰騰的白飯。那種油脂香味, 讓人覺得好滿足, 更比三文魚刺身好吃上百倍。

這個星期在金鐘上班, 所以有時間就會到西武的Great Food Hall處逛, 在其中一日買了西班牙Luis Escurís Batalla出品的Sardinas en Aceite de Oliva 'Xoubiñas' (Sardines in olive oil)。盒子上說魚是在Ría de Arousa 出產。
打開罐子, 一看就知道好吃 - 魚身閃著銀光, 而且橄欖油好香。吃著魚肉非常細嫩鮮甜, 帶一點內臟的苦澀味。魚沒有腥味, 但有濃烈的沙甸魚油脂香味。好吃死了, 一下子就整罐幹掉!
(ref: wikipedia)
saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Suede - 'Picnic by the motorway'
吉田兄弟 - '百花繚乱'

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Everyone I know is falling apart

I'm dead - 即撈 told me today he's going to resign, and more importantly, I have 90% of my work is under him... informally he's become my 'buddy' (or, 'bloody'). I can forsee that his work will be passed to PC狗, whom I think is an absolute slimeball...

即撈 said he "睇好我"... hope I can survive here without him...
I understand why 即撈 made this decision because he has long been ill-treated. I wholeheartedly wish him good luck.
東京都九段下, 靖國神社南門

Mr Lee is also leaving - he'll be assigned to London for 1yr. He has handed over his Fengshui setting (風水陣) to me~ all the best to him :p
Planning to take advantage of him if I'm going to visit London next yr.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
The Prodigy - 'Firestarter'
Kanye West - 'Through the wire'

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I hate myself and I want to die

3月31日上午11:12, 千葉縣八千代台

10月17日下午3:26, 千葉縣八千代台

特地拍的 - 從差不多的角度看同一個電塔。
半年前和半年後, 春天和秋天的情況。好有趣。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Luna Sea - 'Love song'

Saturday, October 21, 2006


back from Japan.
栃木県日光市戦場が原 - 遠眺白根山

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
L'Arc~en~Ciel - '瞳の住人'
張國榮 - '不羈的風'

Saturday, October 14, 2006


身處日本 ─
往北邊走, 到神社參道, 山水之間看紅葉;
周杰倫 - 《一路向北 》

後視鏡裡的世界 越來越遠的道別
你轉身向背 側臉還是很美
我用眼光去追 竟聽見你的淚

在車窗外面排徊 是我錯失的機會
你站的方位 跟我中間隔著淚
街景一直在後退 你的崩潰在窗外零碎

我一路向北 離開有你的季節
你說你好累 已無法再愛上誰
風在山路吹 過往的畫面全都是我不對
細數慚愧 我傷你幾回

後視鏡裡的世界 越來越遠的道別
你轉身向背 側臉還是很美
我用眼光去追 竟聽見你的淚

在車窗外面排徊 是我錯失的機會
你站的方位 跟我中間隔著淚
街景一直在後退 你的崩潰在窗外零碎

我一路向北 離開有你的季節
你說你好累 已無法再愛上誰
風在山路吹 過往的畫面全都是我不對
細數慚愧 我傷你幾回

Saturday, October 07, 2006


下星期要到的地方 - 栃木県的那須高原, 竜頭ノ滝, 和戦場が原都開始有紅葉的踪影, 雖然天氣比較冷 (12-14℃), 但仍非常期待。

3月看過了櫻花, 10月又看紅葉 - 這樣揮霍也不算是罪過吧~
趁年輕的時候, 盡量將最美麗的境像都收入眼底, 不是很好嗎?
京都嵯峨嵐山, 大悲閣

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
側田 - '命硬'
X Japan - 'Sperion'

Monday, October 02, 2006


其實我也會聽廣東歌, 不過選上的多是80或90年代初期的流行曲。那時候, 曲, 詞和唱的都有水準, 仍會講究遣辭用字。老舊的歌比較優雅, 不現今的, 都似流浪漢。

張國榮 - 《風繼續吹》

我勸妳早點歸去 妳說妳不想歸去
衹叫我抱著妳 悠悠海風輕輕吹
我看見傷心的妳 妳叫我怎捨得去
哭態也絕美 如何止哭
讓風繼續吹 不忍遠離
心裡極渴望 希望留下伴著妳

風繼續吹 不忍遠離
過去多少快樂記憶 何妨與妳一起去追
要將憂鬱苦痛洗去 柔情蜜意我願記取
要強忍離情淚 未許它向下垂
愁如鎖 眉頭聚

我已令妳快樂 妳也令我痴痴醉
妳已在我心 不必再問記著誰
留住眼內每滴淚 為何仍斷續流默默垂
京都, 嵯峨嵐山至保津峽

十月...會再到日本, 有幸的話就能遇上紅葉秋色
這次會走得更遠, 到栃木県的日光和那須, 還有神奈川県的橫濱
天遙地闊的感覺, 真會有想哭的衝動

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
張國榮 - '怪你過份美麗'
張國榮 - '風繼續吹'

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Cheng-he Temple, Malakka, Malaysia

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Sergio Mendes - 'Loose ends'

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Angelic fruitcake


have been to the book fair with Mr.Lee . Owing to the no. of books left unfinished, I restricted myself from buying novels and treatises. Here's what I've bought that day:
‧黃双如 -'双如談食 5'
‧陶傑 - '黑嶺魔宮'
‧李碧華 - '蟹殼黃的痣'

hm...3 out of 4 are food/ cooking related~

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
James Blunt - 'High'
Keane - 'This is the last time'

Friday, July 14, 2006

Project Pilgrim

13 July 2006.
been to Coldplay's concert @Asia Expo with Mr. Lee. This is one of the best gig I've ever attended! The songs were fabulous and the special effects were fascinating as well.
Coldplay's songs are best-listening when u're alone at night, on a journey, or looking for a relieve.

我最愛那延綿的石子路, 和遍路上的濃綠樹蔭。
來到這裡, 有一種洗滌心靈的感覺。

it's a friday night - 9:22pm now, still in office!!! away for a dinner and come back to work afterwards!

from time to time please check if I'm still alive. would really appreciate it.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Coldplay - 'Yellow'
Luna Sea - 'Believe'

Thursday, June 29, 2006


strange things constantly, and relentlessly, happen on me.
the latest one is, I plugged in the socket of my lamp (which hasn't been switched on after I left the dorm), and it exploded~ it gave out black smoke and sparkle, followed by a burn-out of fuse of my home~ yike~~~~ all the electrical appliances got off immediately~ (-_-")
what a disaster.

Today was even worse. I’ve bought a loaf of bread for breakfast. After I’ve bitten and swallowed a mouthful of it, a bug (alive) crawled out from the bread… yee… the bug was sort of mixture of roach and huge ant, it had about 1cm long~ (>w<")
(I'm not sure if I've eaten its companion~)
I just killed it and threw the bread away without hesitation~


saintvenus' stereo is playing:
A Fire Inside - 'Morning star'
Dir en grey - '脈'

Monday, June 12, 2006


- 搬家
- 考試 x2
- 工作, 泥足於第3個project

2006年3月27日午後3:03, 東京都西船橋。

明天就要搬家了~ 新的開始。
這半年有許多轉變, 工作, 住所, 讀書, 甚至是旅行體驗等方面都有很多新的衝擊。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
L'arc~en~Ciel - 'Dive to blue'
Suede - 'Where the pigs don't fly'

Sunday, June 04, 2006



Don't tell me that we should let go of the June 4th 1989 massacre. Don't tell me to view the whole thing objectively with the economic achievement China has today - it's a fallacy. Murder is murder, it's simply right-and-wrong. if you have any of the 2 thoughts above, I feel very sorry for your dad and mom.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
譚詠麟 - '愛的根源'
Alabina & Gypsy Kings - 'Eres Tu'

Monday, May 22, 2006



saintvenus' stereo is playing:
L'Arc~en~Ciel - 'Sell my soul'

Sunday, April 23, 2006


2006年3月30日上午10:50, 東京都九段北白百合学園前

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
L'Arc~en~Ciel - 'Driver's high'
Dir en grey - '孤独に死す、故に孤独。'

Saturday, April 15, 2006

New place

a dream of spring and blossoms.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Sugizo - 'Rest in peace & fly away'

Sunday, April 09, 2006


呼吸著薄荷色的空氣, 懷著淡紫色的心情, 徜徉於天地間 - 我想, "自我放逐"大概就是如此。And it's a sweet exile.

3月31日上午11:12, 千葉縣八千代台。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
L'arc~en~Ciel - '叙情詩'

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


我是自由的, 我想。閉上眼睛, 一直想著自己已經自由的這件事。可是所謂自由到底是怎麼一回事? 我還不太能理解。現在我所知道的, 只有我是一個人孤伶伶的而已。獨自一個人在一個陌生的土地上。就像遺失了羅盤和地圖的孤獨探險家那樣。這就是自由的意思嗎? 我連這個都不太懂。我不再去想這件事了。

-- 村上春樹《海邊的卡夫卡》
2006年3月28日上午11:20, 琦玉縣星野山喜多院

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Hi from Tokyo

Things are going well here. Just wandered around Tokyo and even have been to the Saitama prefecture!
There's sakura blossom almost everywhere!!! Yay~~~

*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I hope you're well~??

Have taken a lot of snap shots, will share them together with my little travelling diary later.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Ex-Mr. Sweet doesn't call anymore, cos I got a job better than his. I never ask to be this way, it's appalling~ He doesn't care about my problems. From the education of life I understand self-esteem is vital to a male but it shouldn't make things go like this. When I have a chance to move upward, and I'm capable to do so, I should embrace the opportunity - this is my belief. It indeed frustrated me that a relationship can fall away cos of the self-esteem issue.

saintvenus's stereo is playing:
Pulp - 'Help the aged'

Sunday, February 26, 2006


this week is great. goods things happened.

a. will be moving home~ think how to deocrate my room.
b. finally confirmed my switch! 火速辦妥兩件大事:

- consolidate my technical knowledge as much as possible
- make myself have well-spoken english, further than writing this blog. If I fail to speak english fluently, my days on that side will be miserable.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
レミオロメン - '南風'
Suede - 'Jumble sale mom'

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I had my right index finger's knuckle twisted when cooking. The muscle nearby got swollen and become black & blue - and I can't hold a pen nor chopsticks. It means I can't work, too. (I use fork and spoon when eat~) Been to kln city for 跌打 and the doctor bandaged my hand heavily - making me resemble a rockerman~

Took a typed sick leave form for Mrs. Chiu to approve, I even failed to sign it~ so Mrs. Chiu wrote on the signature line: (Unable to sign by saintvenus). so funny!

大阪府大阪市北区大淀1丁目, 梅田スカイビル
A strawberry dream with you.

my new favourite cooking show is "Gary Rhodes' alternative sunday lunch" (by BBC) on cable. he speaks beautiful english and his recipes are marvellous. Shortly speaking, his show is cool. worth a watch.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
レミオロメン - '蒼の世界'

Saturday, February 04, 2006



18.01.06: 日光sushi set - sogo
19.01.06: 牛肉豬膶粥 - 香江歲月
20.01.06: 煎羊扒伴黃梅醬﹑燒魚手卷 - 自己煮
21.01.06: 鮑魚伴芥蘭﹑蒸扇貝﹑東風螺﹑鹵水鴨﹑鴨舌﹑紅酒 - 屋企煮
22.01.06: 土魷蒸肉餅﹑明蝦﹑宮保雞丁﹑南乳炆藕片 - 食棧
23.01.06: 咖哩牛筋腩飯 - 翠華
24.01.06: 雜菜煲﹑蒸魚﹑龍蝦 - 屋企煮
25.01.06: 盤菜 - 團年
26.01.06: 肉丸豬膶粥 - 香江歲月
27.01.06: 盤菜 - 團年
28.01.06: 鮮茄焗豬扒飯﹑羅宋湯 - 大滿貫

Hello myself.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
平井堅 - '見上げてごらん夜の星を'
レミオロメン - '3月9日'

Monday, January 16, 2006


The intersection point of Dubai Creek and the Arabian Gulf, Dubai, United Emirate of Arab

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
レミオロメン - '粉雪'
平井堅 - '瞳をとじて'