Saturday, October 28, 2006

I hate myself and I want to die

3月31日上午11:12, 千葉縣八千代台

10月17日下午3:26, 千葉縣八千代台

特地拍的 - 從差不多的角度看同一個電塔。
半年前和半年後, 春天和秋天的情況。好有趣。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Luna Sea - 'Love song'


Teki Chan said...

It's really interesting to see the same scene in different times. If I were you, I would say: 今年花勝去年紅, 可惜明年花更好, 知與誰同?

By the way, if I had wore the shirt, I would have been bit by someone on street.

saintvenus said...

1. 興之所至, 諗起就影~
可惜忘了當時所企0既確實位置, 如果唔係效果會更好。

2. 著果件衫係唔會畀人打0既。

Teki Chan said...

> 2.
我見到會話: 老兄, 成全你啦.