Monday, December 31, 2007


  1. 去了日本和英國旅行。在英國時護照等物件被偷, 去不了捷克和匈牙利, 更差點不能回家。
  2. 加薪6成。脫貧。
  3. 工作, 工作, 工作。
  4. Clubbing, 飲了好多好多酒。
  5. 家人和朋友仔都對我很好。
  6. 脫了一隻牙。
  7. 有好多事, 其實都不值一提。
京都市左京区浄土寺石橋町銀閣寺, 東求堂及坐禅石

  1. 少些工作, 早些下班, 多些運動。
  2. 到 ___ 和日本旅行。
  3. 升職, 狂加人工。
  4. QP合格。
  5. 有多些值得記取的事情。
saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Daft Punk - 'Television rules the nation'

Sunday, December 16, 2007


今年聖誕, 我會將HK$27,000放入口中。
唔係食聖誕大餐, 而係要整牙。

大阪府大阪市北区中之島, 大阪市庁舎前, 「OSAKA光のルネサンス」

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Belle and Sebastian - 'Beautiful'
黃立成 & MACHI - '1937'

Tuesday, December 04, 2007



我在office的電腦旁放了幾張CD, 其中一張是譚詠麟的《愛情陷阱》(1985年發行)。
有兩個人摸完我的冬菇頭後, 都順地看看我有什麼CD好聽的。這兩人看到這張《愛情陷阱》, 有好不同的反應。

第一個人說: "嘩, 你聽埋0的咁舊0既歌, 唔驚人笑你0架?!"
第二個人說: "咦, 你都聽譚詠麟0架? 借我聽丫! 呢隻碟0的歌, 我全部都識唱0架... 我聽譚詠麟果陣你都唔知晌邊度呀。"

Saturday, December 01, 2007

炸餛飩, 薯仔煮牛肉

這個星期比較閒, 可以在家做飯。
弄了個炸餛飩 ("雲吞"這個詞語, 組合得好奇怪), 和薯仔煮牛肉。


近月來, 好些人在office都喜歡摸我的冬菇頭。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
L'Arc~en~Ciel - '夏の憂鬱'

Saturday, November 24, 2007

小風景 - 2


看風景的人, 在樓上看另一扇風景。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Oasis - 'Live forever'

小風景 - 1

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Armani Bar HK

辛勞過後, 我定會以美食來慰勞自己。
今趟選擇了Armani Bar HK。其實以頭一次來時點的 Artichoke ravioli, foie gras with cheese & cream sauce 最精彩 - 但很可惜, 沒有拍下照來。

Chestnut soup with cheese ravioli
Pumpkin gnocchi, cheese sauce, crispy prosciutto and sun-dried tomatoes
Stewed oxtail risotto

很多人看起來像好會挑吃, 很多人會寫食評, 但很少人會煮。會煮的, 又只有很少很少人會去煮得精緻一點。

Sunday, November 11, 2007


才不過跟盧經理吃一頓飯 (可還是他老兄約我的), 就讓全department最八卦最組織嚴密的八公八婆們撞個正著, 又給傳個滿天飛。

盧經理年年都有一籮筐可愛小妹妹爭著要黏靠上去, 我要躲開還來不及呢。

躲藏在一個沒有英文, 也沒有中文的地方。

saintvenus stereo is playing:
譚詠麟 - '情(是永遠著迷)'

Monday, November 05, 2007


11月7日PCCW要做好, 同日飛機廠Query要出街;
11月15日submission due date; 11月23日考試。
智利船廠同機場的proposal要盡快完成, 不能拖太久。

我已經累到不行了~ 但明明在9月已經放了一個長假哦。
快點找個人包起我啦, 時間長短不拘。價錢面議。

東京都新宿南, 高島屋, 紀伊國屋書店

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
郭富城 - '舞林正傳'
周杰倫 - '龍捲風'

Saturday, October 27, 2007


一個沒事幹的早上, 跑到 St. James Park去看天鵝和鴨子。

St James's Park, London, United Kingdom
Bonjour, Monsieur Connard!

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
L'Arc~en~Ciel - ' 叙情詩'

Saturday, October 20, 2007


今朝早黃老闆打電話來, 話要同我食早餐 (我0既早餐即是佢0既午餐)。

佢老兄提議去大家樂, my god, 我話我早餐自己煮好過。
佢話佢工人今日放假, 唯有出去食。 原來黃老闆連煎隻蛋都唔識0架陰功。

我望下雪櫃有0的咩可以煮: 有四個蕃茄, 一個薯仔同一包牛尾同牛肩。可以煮個Goulash, 反正有成樽paprika可用。
之後去買左一堆蕃茄, 洋蔥, 燈籠椒, 紅蘿蔔同椰菜。今次煮0既係多0的蔬菜0既Gypsy goulash; 而冬天就適合更濃郁0既Hungarian goulash. (recipe)

完成品。落左好多paprika, 仲有十一個蕃茄。我鍾意用麵包蘸Goulash 0既湯汁來食。
下次會試下加一0的greek yogurt.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Whitney Houston - 'I have nothing'

Saturday, October 13, 2007


證件被偷, 去唔成捷克同匈牙利。無得揀之下就留晌英國放假了。
其實英國都非常好, 所以我從未有損失0既感覺; 好幸運可以準時返來, 到而家阿爸阿媽都唔知呢件事。

又, 多得李先生0既照顧, 唔係我就慘喇。

生活正逐漸回復正常 - 當然, 我0既工作時間亦一如以往地長。

尋晚和盧經理為0左飛機廠個IRD enquiry, 仲有同智利office聯絡 (你知道嗎, 香港同智利時差係12小時。個contact起左身未呀?), 做到1點鐘, 仲係最後兩個走。黃老闆打電話來發現我仲晌office, 嚇死佢喇。

收工之後盧經理請食飯。佢老兄話, 半年之後要我升到職, 仲叫我努力 (重複左10次) (!)。近半年佢畀左好多high-profile clients我, 話要train up我。我都想升職, 但我要有命升先得0架。淨係做盧經理0的job已經做到氣咳, 而升唔升到職呢, 更唔係我可以話事。

如我於年初所料, 今年真係見盧經理多過見自己老豆。

Eton (by the River Thames), Windsor and Maidenhead, Berkshire, England

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Dir en Grey - 'Grief' (warning: disturbing content in the link)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A change of heart

I've completed the procedures and applications with the UK and HK government authorities and hope that the problem can be solved before I go back to HK. (cross finger)
These days the big-coke-lemon (i.e. trouble) has almost stressed me out.

St James's Park, London, United Kingdom

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Amy Winehouse - 'Love is a losing game'

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Big coke lemon

venus is in a super big-coke-lemon (i.e. trouble - lost her passport, phone and camera) at the mo in London. Without a passport she cannot return to HK...

What should she do??

British Airways London Eye, County Hall, Westminster Bridge Road, London, United Kingdom

I must offer my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Lee, Danny Fairweather, Jay and Desmond for their help at Leicester Square and Charing Cross last night (22 Sep 2007). Without them I might not be able to get through.

Seems good luck is coming back today. But still, London sucks!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hi from London

with love.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Beyond - '情人' (cover 張學友)

Sunday, September 02, 2007

茶運び人形 - 2

人形組立 - 完成版。

這小人形上鏈後會向前走, 然後停下, 行敬禮及奉茶。當拿走茶碗再放回盤子上, 人形行過辞儀後就會掉頭朝原來的方向離開。
我的另一個玩具 - 會打筋斗的猩猩。

原名「大江戸からくり人形」。其製作圖首次見於, 土佐 (高知) 的工匠細川半蔵, 於1796年 (寛政8年) 著寫的日本第一本人形指南書「機巧図彙」。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
L'Arc~en~Ciel - 'My heart draws a dream'

Saturday, August 25, 2007

[reila] Lesson G.


saintvenus' stereo is playing:
陶喆 - '普通朋友'
袁耀發 - '抽煙'

Monday, August 13, 2007


這是我的新玩具 - 大人の科学, 雜誌及茶運び人形套裝。
除了要砌好小機械人形, 還得買和紙替它造衣服。

Sunday, August 12, 2007

[reila] Lesson D.


saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Gazette - 'D.L.N.'

Monday, July 23, 2007


上次奶咀喝醉了, 當眾將我抱起來;
今次輪到我喝醉了 (直達斷片境界), 又是奶咀把我抱起。


saintvenus' stereo is playing:
L'Arc~en~Ciel - 'Link'

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


那個飛機廠的fixed assets, 拆數拆到我就快要自殺了。


saintvenus' stereo is playing:
L'Arc~en~Ciel - '瞳の住人'

Sunday, July 08, 2007


有一日食lunch 0既時候, 同KOC一齊行, 迎面而來有兩個濃妝女子。哈, 畀我見到個死仔晌度望女仔。

我問: "喂, 點解你0的男人咁鍾意望0的濃妝女? 自己女朋友又要人零化妝? 濃妝女人九成九都唔係生得靚 / 化得靚0架啦。"
KOC答: "真係唔靚0架, 不過男人見到就係好自然咁要望一望0架啦。佢咁苦心經營, 你唔係唔畀面呀嘛?!"
我又問: "咁你會追零化妝定濃妝女人先?"
KOC答: "溝果陣可能佢好濃妝囉, 到手之後就叫佢唔好化妝!"
我話: "唔化妝你地又話人地唔靚啦。"
KOC答: "男人係咁麻L煩0架啦。話內在美重要過外在美果0的, x, 廢話0黎0架。"

一個人外表唔吸引, 實在好難令人有興趣發掘佢內在的優點。聽來殘酷, 但觀察身邊人0既言行, 又覺得此言不假。人從來都係一種膚淺0既動物。

神奈川県横浜市中区元町, 山下公園

買了到倫敦的機票。因為要遷就航班及工作時間的關係, 我將會是晚上在hk office完成手上的工作後, 出發到機場, 上機, 再直接到London office問李先生拿鎖匙入屋。

旅程要這樣開始, 你說是不是好灰暗。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
The Tears - 'Refugees'

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


昨天到harlan's吃一頓, 敗家一下。

Beef tataki with deep fried garlic slices, scallions, sesame and yuzu juice.
Handmade orecchiette with braised veal and scallops.
Roast of the day - sirloin steak.
Roast spring chicken.
Mango tart topped with mango ice-cream.

I would say Harlan's is one of the very best restaurants of the town. Will go there more often.

'.....If I have met you earlier, I would have chased you vigorously.'

是認真, 是開玩笑, 是有感而發, 是亂說話, 就看成是一種恭維好了。
反正黃老闆是我喜歡的那一類人 - 腦筋轉得快, 理性, 非常technical, 說話伶俐, 愛旅行。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
中森明菜 - 'スローモーション'

Saturday, June 30, 2007


More evidences to prove my being.

This is my new fragrance.
And my new ring.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Mika - 'Lollipop'

Sunday, June 24, 2007


只要你肯花點錢乘飛機, 即可在廿四小時之內, 到世界上多數地方, 看到你想看的風景, 見到你想見的人。

李: 你想去邊度先? prague定budapest 0架?!
我: 咁你想晌邊度過生日丫?!
李: 呀, 係喎。

栃木県日光市戦場が原, (遠) 白根山

如果唔係有加人工, 美食同旅行呢三樣0野畀到我多少做人0既希望, 我諗我呢期0既人生真係會好灰暗。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
My Chemical Romance - 'Helena'
Coldplay - 'Yellow'

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon

昨天到L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon香港分店來個小朝聖。
L'exotique. 帶柚子味。
La Noisette.
這個我忘了是什麼名字。還有一個L'opera, 照片拍的不好, 不放上來獻醜了。

一如世界各地的L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon, 全店都是以紅和黑作主調。是一個偷情幽會, 以美食作前奏的好地方。


You deserve what you get. Congratulations.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
林子祥 - '敢愛敢恨'

Saturday, June 16, 2007

missed calls

在Finds和Keg喝過N (where N is <8) 杯champagne, dry martini和二鍋頭, 在1:35am赫然見到電話有22個missed calls及7個messages.


晌公司收到李先生由英倫打來0既長途電話, 一傾就成個鐘。

因為係用inter-office call, 所以免費。亦因為本人恆常地work overtime, 基本上已經冇左時差問題。without guilty feeling and apologies, 我地決定會多0的講電話。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
The Tears - 'Beautiful pain'

Sunday, June 10, 2007

under my feet

為了證明自己還未死, 我買了兩對鞋。

這對涼鞋是用來上街穿的。人字拖 / 丁字拖 / birkenstock之類, 令大大個腳丫子露出來的款式, 看起來很粗魯, 怎麼可以穿得下?

這對銀色sling-back是上班穿的。做big 4不是每天都要穿suit穿黑像送殯。Edgy一點不會被炒。

我不會到 le saunda / joy & peace / staccato 買那些行貨OL鞋。悶死人。

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Teaching a son - before I start

last friday morning 伊麗莎伯 came to my cubicle and told me that she's going to assign an intern for me to coach.

This intern is a boy called 山姆. That's all I know about him at this mo~ I'll be his 'mom' (nickname in my dept) and, he'll be my 'son' during his internship. My role will be helping him to know about our company, our department, the way we do our work and, perhaps, get him understand how cruel the business reality is :D

I've always been super independent at work (ask 即撈 for this) and therefore, feel a bit uneasy of taking a role of coaching. With a son I have to be punctual at work - step into the office on time instead of 9am to 9:30am (which is late by contract), which is hard for me~

Further a father/ mother figure was absent for me to learn coaching skills - I wasn't assigned a dad/mom when I joined. 即撈 'adopted' me only a few months after that and by then I've automatically converted myself already.

I guess I'll be impatient to teach - getting him understand the admin process is fine, but if he's lack of technical (accounting) background then I'd rather kill myself - on top of my workload on hand, I have to lecture him Accounting 101, from double-entry accounting to tax laws~

Hope that my son 山姆 is a good and technically prepared boy.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


快點考完試好不好 - 那個QP module B!
寧願讀十個business law /taxation /contract law court cases也不想做一題insolvency或costing.

Enrico話呢科只要我坐入去就會pass. 我信住佢先。


京都市東山区円山公園, 東山花灯路
像一個黑色的甜夢, 從此不願醒來。

saintvenus's stereo is playing:
Ludwig van Beethoven - 'Piano Concerto No.1 in C major, op.15'
Ludwig van Beethoven - 'Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat major, op.19'

Monday, May 21, 2007



栃木県日光市日光国立公園, 中禅寺湖

saintvenus's stereo is playing:
Suede - 'Sleeping pills'
Suede - 'My dark star'

Thursday, May 17, 2007


和歌山県西牟婁郡白浜町, 白良浜海水浴場
在這裡, 藍是有層次的。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Beyonce - 'Irreplaceable'

Monday, May 14, 2007


就是有多妒忌和緊張, 你也不能在我面前表現出來。
因為你這麼遠, 實在不能do something.
你只能叫我的蜜蜂們go get a life.

唯一安慰的是, 我還在用你送的lip gloss.


saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Gwen Stefani - '4 in the morning'
方大同 - '每天每天'

Quince paste

I used to have jam going with bread (rather than peanut butter) because jam has a special refreshness of fruit and also, a delicated texture.

Last time I made some rose petal jam and this time I got my-lazy-self a box of quice paste (membrillo).

Quince paste is a Spanish delicacy. Apparently it is a thick jelly made of overwhelmingly fragrant fruit called quince, which has honey and vanilla overtones. People usually pair quince paste with a Manchego or blue cheese to make it truly shines.

My breakfast on a lazy saturday - wheat bread covered by slices of quince paste and salted butter. Wholesome. My advice is, warm the bread beforehand and the butter should be frozen as icy cold, while the thick jam has to be cut in very thin slices - otherwise the taste would be too strong and becomes sour.