Venus, My cousin had the same procedure done just two years ago. Since you already had the bad tooth pulled, it is all going down hill from now on. You may feel a bit sore after the procedure but don't worry. Our gum heals very very quick. You will be fine in no time!
old cake - thanks~ my gum is fine so far as I don't feel sore. My face has got a bigger problem as it got swollen~ looks like I'm having a big chewing gum in my mouth now~ yikes
$27000 鑲金牙乎?
今日先行左第一部, 剝左隻大牙。好在成個過程都冇乜痛苦, 但仲有幾個星期要搞~
我由九月搞到而家,總共整左四隻牙,不過冇你鑲鑽石牙咁勁(咩黎架?未聽過既??)我全部都係杜牙根再加牙帽,總共都用左成個月糧啦,當然我人工冇$27000咁多啦,不過好彩我有人資助,肉赤都係肉赤佢囉 :P
I think I know what you are going thru right now and I hope you will be very happy with the result when everything is done.
alli - 唉算啦你唔好等我喇, 我呢期都係食粥水罷啦。
喵喵 - 其實係做植齒手術~ 我都有諗過杜牙根再加牙帽, 比較平, 但係用得十幾至二十年, 加上我神經線傷左, 情況比較嚴重, 索性一了百了剝左佢再鑲過隻!!!
我冇人資助, 好傷呀~~~~~~
old cake - you've gone through a dental operation before? pls share with me your experience~
My cousin had the same procedure done just two years ago. Since you already had the bad tooth pulled, it is all going down hill from now on. You may feel a bit sore after the procedure but don't worry. Our gum heals very very quick. You will be fine in no time!
old cake - thanks~ my gum is fine so far as I don't feel sore. My face has got a bigger problem as it got swollen~ looks like I'm having a big chewing gum in my mouth now~ yikes
喵喵 - $27000先整一隻確係好貴, 不過個醫生手勢真係超級好, 成隻牙剝完到而家一0的都唔痛, 可能咁佢就要收咁貴...
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