Thursday, December 31, 2009



1. 完全體會了何謂"塞翁失馬, 焉知非福"。
2. 由地獄轉到份筍工。
3. 攬住個大肥佬, 好過著皮草。
4. 放了一個悠長假期, 身心都'叉夠電'。
5. 生活質素大大提高。尤其比上一年嚐到更多美味。
6. 和好友去日本九州旅行, 非常愜意。
7. 運動量竟然多了。
8. 終於有時間看書。
杉乃井ホテル, 大分県別府市観海寺


1. 從壓力中解放, 要享受生活的每一分, 每一秒。
2. 繼續攬住大肥佬。
3. 到 ___ 和日本旅行。
4. 努力增加財富。
5. Get rid of stupid people from my life.
6. 看多點書、做多點運動。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
The Chemical Brothers - 'Galvanize'

Sunday, December 27, 2009


兩個杯, 一個畫的是嘻哈絕倒的兔子, 另一個是很驚訝的青蛙。不知道說的是什麼故事。

京料理 広島たん熊北店, 広島県広島市中区胡町6-26福屋八丁堀

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
The Chemical Brothers - 'Shake, Break, Bounce'

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

風邪 - 2

I hate getting sick.

かぜ藥 - bought from コクミン札幌オーロラ店

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Carlos Baute & Marta Sánchez - 'Colgando En Tus Manos'

Sunday, November 22, 2009


攬住個大肥佬, 好過着皮草。

又: 塞翁失馬, 焉知非福; 塞翁得馬, 焉知非禍。

北海道上川郡美瑛町新星第三, 展望花畑 四季彩の丘

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Jay-Z (feat. Alicia Keys) - 'Empire State of Mind'

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Red roses

Roses from Fredda, again.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Dionne Bromfield - 'Mama said'

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009



- 工作愉快, 薪水逆市上升, 不會很晚才下班; 最重要的是, 我感到被尊重。
- 為另一半弄點他愛吃的。例如, 燴春雞。
- 有時間給我浪費。
- 和小鳥suzuki玩耍。
- 買到size zero的衣服。
- 穿得很fashion的上班。
- 睡得好。
- 讀有趣的文章。
- 聽到朋友們的好消息, 會心微笑。


saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Plain White T's - 'Hey There Delilah'

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Mid-autumn festival

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~

京都市東山区円山公園, 東山花灯路

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
方大同 - 'Nothing's gonna change my love for you'

Saturday, September 26, 2009

ok I win

The Brocas, Eton, Berkshire, United Kingdom
Me lying on the meadow.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Black Eyed Peas - 'Bom bom pow'
Black Eyed Peas - 'Don't lie'

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Let's take a nap

Took a nap on a lawn by the lake.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
曹格 - '新不了情'

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Graffiti people got nothing, got no name

新工作......... 等我數下0的好處:

唔駛填timesheet, 唔駛追fee, 唔駛追個客畀fee, 少十倍admin work。
工作時間合理, 間唔中可以準時走, 星期六日唔駛返。
有0野學 - 可以做日本同澳洲0既financials。
老闆同事友善有禮貌, 唔會因為你職級而當你透明、唔同你傾計。


又, fuddy轉左一份佢喜歡0既工。大家似乎都有好運到了。

Baiyoke Sky Hotel, 130 Rajprarop Road, Rajthevee, Bangkok 10400, Thailand

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Usher (feat. Alicia Keys) - 'My boo'

Monday, August 31, 2009

summer holiday

My long long summer holiday finally comes to its end........
Gotta go to work from tomorrow, but I'm not too excited :(
New job, new place and new life, I hope everything will be alright~

和歌山県西牟婁郡白浜町, 白良浜海水浴場

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
方大同 - 'Nothing's gonna change my love for you'

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Some beautiful things happened in life - 2

I'm preparing myself for the new challenges ahead! wuuuuuu~
Feel so nervous for my new job now, I really hope my new boss will treat me like a human!

高雄市壽山動物園, 台灣高雄市鼓山區萬壽路350號
some unknown small purple flowers by a sidewalk.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Alicia Keys - 'You don't know my name'
Alicia Keys - 'If I ain't got you'

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I would like to share with you all the following quote from my friend's FB:
"it's weird for women that even something is happening right now (i.e. having a bf that loves her so much), they choose not to believe the truth and hide themselves under their little blankets, twist, moan, suck their fingers to attract attention from their other half."

prolly I am the person who cannot get away with anything, who should use my little brain and get it through my thick skull, and who should go get a life and read more books.

大分県別府市御幸, 別府地獄めぐり, かまど地獄

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Eminem - 'Beautiful'

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Officially yours

工作, 通常都是越換越好!
又, 感謝各方好友一直以來的支持。

台灣台北市信義區西村里信義路五段, 台北101地庫, Flavor Field麵包店

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Black Eyed Peas - 'Boom boom pow'
Craig David - 'Officially yours'

Sunday, August 02, 2009

My footprints

Crazily in love~

愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅1丁目, JR名古屋駅
Taking Shinkansen from Nagoya to Kyoto and Hiroshima.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Flobots - 'Handlebars'

Sunday, July 26, 2009


広島県広島市中区大手町1丁目, 商店街パレード

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Amy Winehouse - 'I heard love is blind'

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

小風景 - 5

Share every great moment with the one you love**

Port Shelter, Sai Kung, New Territories, Hong Kong

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Manic Street Preachers - 'Die in the summertime'

Monday, July 13, 2009

So bored

when fuddy's not around... :(


Monday, July 06, 2009


講錢傷感情........... 不論係友情, 親情定愛情, 在錢銀面前, 所有感情同信任都不堪一擊。
所以免得過都唔好講錢.... 最x憎

台灣基隆市基隆港, 東岸碼頭

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Chemical Brothers - 'Hey boy, hey girl'

Friday, June 26, 2009


澳門外港填海區仙德麗街, 永利酒店, 住客電梯口

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
2Pac - 'Hit em up'
Black Eyed Peas - 'My hump'

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fun in the sun

The coolest boat trip ever!!! We got a bunch of fun loving people and club music on the boat~

Nice view and nice weather!

We had a professional mini-cocktail bar!!! What a surprise~
Fuelled ourselves with alcohol!

Here's the drink list~ these guys are pretty professional!

My vodka lime.

Best menu for buffet on boat trip. There were Spanish style pork chop, filet of beef on skewer, cold cuts, stuffed melon with fresh prawns, roasted sirloin of beef, etc~ no stupid curry fishballs!!

The cold appetizers and salads.

Enjoyed a lot of suntan.

Feets - my purple nail polish and fredda's hairy feet, hoho~

Nice meat under the sun.

Meat again..... games on the beach.

Lovely dice~

My camera was drenched in water when I tried to get onto the speed boat... haiz
gotta buy a new one...

**Huge thanks to Pong and Angela for arranging everything~

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Look outside the window


Pink roses and forget-me-not from Fuddy.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Mika - 'Grace Kelly'
Mika - 'Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)'

Friday, June 05, 2009



山口県岩国市横山, 吉香公園

I know you're reading, low b!!!! LOL

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Damien Rice - 'The Blower's Daughter'

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

when the rain falls

it's raining so heavily outside.

18 days to go........... I should be studying hard at this moment but I'm blogging here... seems I've burnt out. Just want to pass the exam as soon as possible!

Let me see the light at the end of the tunnel please...

Map of 栃木県日光市 (Nikko, Tochigi prefecture).
The red line represents my footprint~

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Suede - 'When the rain falls'
The Verve - 'Lucky man'

Saturday, May 23, 2009

little evil parrot

Suzuki's menacing beak............
does it resemble to Jaws???

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
林憶蓮 - '依然'

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fat cat

I took this photo in the late afternoon, after the most expected visit to 桜島 (Sakurajima) and 桜島火山 (Sakurajima Volcano).

鹿児島県鹿児島市東開町11-1, 中央卸売市場青果市場

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Plies feat. Akon - 'Hypnotized'
Akon feat. Snoop Dogg - 'I Wanna Love You'

Sunday, May 10, 2009


(圖片來源: 蘋果日報)
先唔理黃長發同Karen Lee呢單娛樂新聞係點, 其實呢張沙灘照幾誘人。我覺得咁樣0既黑色lace underpants好sexy, 應該係La Perla之類0既靚歐洲牌子貨色。
因為歐洲牌子0既 lingerie, 最懂得點樣去present女人身體最seductive 0既一面。

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

HOFEX 2009

Got an invitation to HOFEX 2009 for food tasting, so I went there with fredda and we tried various excellent food and drinks.

The most fabulous food we tried are Iberico Jamon de Bellota, and ravioli with wild mushroom and cheese stuffing. There were also lots of wagyu beef, australian free-ranged corn-fed chicken and roasted pork of iberico pigs.We also tried olive oil from spain, cyprus and turkey, and freshly made smoothies of pineapple + passion fruit, and lime + tequila. Of course, we had tons of ice-cream, gelato and other sweets. Among all, Mövenpick's Cognac V.S.O.P. ice-cream is the most impressive.

There were too many great food and drinks for tasting, but sadly we had too limited capacity to try them all!

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Radiohead - 'Subterranean Homesick Alien'