而我, 咀上有兩顆墨, 那我可說是超級有口福了。事實上, 因為某些原因, 我比別人都容易接觸到優質或罕有的食材, 而且幸運地身邊都有可親的長輩, 願意和我分享這些好食材, 烹調方法, 甚至是取得食材的技巧。
今次吃到的是姨丈從南中國海, 近鑽油台附近水域釣到的天然黃鰭吞拿魚及鱆紅魚。據知那條吞拿魚還未成年, 但已經有半個成年人般高大。
兩條魚的魚較和魚鰭部份用了作刺身, 這些近骨頭的位置非常地嫩滑。魚頭則以中式口味的梅子清蒸。 其餘的赤身和魚腩部份將會用來做蔥吞拿魚腩飯, 拌山芋。
新鮮魷魚的味道是超級鮮甜, 柔軟而多汁, 吃過之後根本不會再去碰什麼烤魷魚。
saintvenus' stereo is playing:
The Kooks - 'You don't love me'
Ha ha
Venus is back!
I like eating and cooking, as usual~
trying to move on now~
you are lucky, your friends who can eat your foods are more.
nah, I seldom have chances to share my food with my friends - not because I'm selfish person, but the food is so fresh that they must be consumed immediately~
next time we go get some nice food la (the curry rice we just had was yummy)
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