Friday, March 23, 2007

The Marrow of a Bone

Dir en Grey's latest album, 'The Marrow of a Bone'.

Once again in the whole album the band screamed for endless sorrow, hopelessness and loneliness. I really love them.

(Huge thanks to 三蚊酥, btw.)

Diru's songs are my best companion when I work super-overtime and feel really depressed, that I want to trash everything in my workstation. :p

Last month one day I worked till around 10:30pm and was listening to the radio. The DJ played 林子祥's '數字人生' on air. How ironic (and funny) it was... Imagine my facial expression at that mo!

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Dir en Grey - 'The pledge'
Dir en Grey - 'Conceived sorrow'


Teki Chan said...

Well, I can't imagine your expression yet. Please sing that song next time we play Karaoke. :P

saintvenus said...

No problem as long as you sing along with me!