last friday morning 伊麗莎伯 came to my cubicle and told me that she's going to assign an intern for me to coach.
This intern is a boy called 山姆. That's all I know about him at this mo~ I'll be his 'mom' (nickname in my dept) and, he'll be my 'son' during his internship. My role will be helping him to know about our company, our department, the way we do our work and, perhaps, get him understand how cruel the business reality is :D
I've always been super independent at work (ask 即撈 for this) and therefore, feel a bit uneasy of taking a role of coaching. With a son I have to be punctual at work - step into the office on time instead of 9am to 9:30am (which is late by contract), which is hard for me~
Further a father/ mother figure was absent for me to learn coaching skills - I wasn't assigned a dad/mom when I joined. 即撈 'adopted' me only a few months after that and by then I've automatically converted myself already.
I guess I'll be impatient to teach - getting him understand the admin process is fine, but if he's lack of technical (accounting) background then I'd rather kill myself - on top of my workload on hand, I have to lecture him Accounting 101, from double-entry accounting to tax laws~
Hope that my son 山姆 is a good and technically prepared boy.