Saturday, February 10, 2007

modern boys

3月會到南紀‧勝浦及京都一帶, 隨後到澳門。你們不用找我這隻熱愛自由的閒雲野鶴了。

每次到日本我都會好想李生, 因為這位仁兄最夠格和我一起去: 膽子夠大會到深山野嶺去, 不會嚷著要shopping/ 玩機動遊戲, 頭腦冷靜, 會挑吃, 捨得花錢, 性格爽快又會認路。

人在office, 心卻已飛到勝浦的海岸邊了~

東京都九段下, 靖國神社洗心亭

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Suede - 'The wild ones'


エリー said...

happy valentine's day!!

btw do you have to amend you feng shui stuff after the chinese new year??

saintvenus said...

Alli - thanks load. the fengshui setting is applicable to this year of boar too~~~ changed water today again.