(she referred to my gentlemanship and personality - not my physical appearance!)
is it a compliment or a compliment in disguise? (-_-?)
我才不要做男人 - 怕甩頭髮, 怕陽痿, 又怕被人罵食軟飯靠女人。多累!
如果爸媽知道我天寒地冷, 一個人跑到這種地方, 一定會殺了我。
真想不到會在公司內認識了個隔鄰dept的人, 跟某前同事, 一模一樣。
來自同一間大學, 愛說話
punchline, 語氣甚至是思考方式都很像
連選女朋友的理想條件也相同: 要靚, 要純, 又要蠢
前同事, 喜歡stephy
隔鄰dept的人, 喜歡唐寧
saintvenus' stereo is playing:
容祖兒 - '如果睡袍太少布'
maybe I didn't make the story very clear -
the 2 guys in this story, and even I myself never think without a degree is equal to stupidity. The 2 guys actually thinks if the girls do not have degrees, the girls will have less chance to have higher achievement than the guys themselves do, and thus have less chance to hurt their self-esteem. (at least they do think so)
and I hope all the comments should be written in a polite manner, including the one I deleted yesterday. (btw I know who the bloody hell that person is)
Teki - just want to clarify that you're not that bloody hell person I talked about in the previous comment. That guy's surname is different from yours.
Also I deleted your message simply because I don't want to induce more crazy comments, not because I think ur comment is bad. Hope u understand.
I got it. Then I agree with your friend.
YES I agree with you.
Some guys just want a girl that is pretty, and equally importantly, dumber than them. The main point is not whether the girl has a degree or not, but instead some guys just want to feel smart. All of these just go back to their so-called self-esteem.
To avoid feeling dumb or stupid, pick a girl who is not as smart as you ( as refer to guys) is not the solution. Rather, guys should keep upgrading themselves.
真的是我不好, 對那番言論感到不安的各位, 請容我道歉說聲”對不起”
<(_ _)>
我沒仔細想清楚會令人感到嘲諷和取笑的意味, 真是相當無禮和無知.
我的確是一時頑皮想開個玩笑, 沒有考慮到妳的感受, 是我不對. 我真的沒有要嘲笑閣下的喜好的意思, 我應該早點察覺到, 開這種玩笑是太過分了. 的確是我不對, 就是經常耍些小聰明.
我會鄭重向閣下作一個道歉, 詳細的事我另外再告訴妳, 希望妳能接納我的道歉.
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