Sunday, February 25, 2007

Damask rose petal jam

新年假期, clubbing+連續4日都打麻雀, 真係玩到黐晒線! 所以weekend都係時候要讀下書。
仲有個零星期之後又去旅行了~ yay!

***煮的時候, 看起來簡直像女巫在煮毒藥。

完成品 - 大馬士革玫瑰花果醬 (Damask rose petal jam)。
最困難的部份, 其實是買那枝叫"大黃" (rhubarb) 的植物。
又, 量杯上的量線已經變得模糊, 趁旅行時要買一個。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Bernard Butler - 'A change of heart'

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I ♡ clubbing♪

after the annual dinner, some of us went to the Club No.9 at The Galleria and got ourselves fuelled with alcohol. I even danced with 即撈, 安東尼, elvis & KOC!!! wow what a fun! crazy!

my new year resolution is to have more clubbing!
某人約好了, 在我3月旅行之前, 再去一次clubbing☆彡

果晚金小姐爛醉0既故事, 我之後果日先知。
其實我並唔討厭佢, at the very least she doesn't have any hidden agenda, although we think in very different ways. Anyway I wish her well.
Gold Souk, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Happy new year!!!

即撈又有好帶脅。佢同在下宣佈做完上次個due-diligence之後, 隨即畀多個更麻煩的due-diligence project (which is part of the IPO of a PRC firm) 畀在下。

點解0的人咁快, i mean 第一次拍拖/23,4歲就要plan定結婚, 儲首期? 喂大學畢業先果2,3年, 玩都未玩過就自我了斷先, 真係非常不可思議。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Sergio Mendes - 'Let me' (feat. India Arie)
??? - '恭喜你' (clubbing remix)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

modern boys

3月會到南紀‧勝浦及京都一帶, 隨後到澳門。你們不用找我這隻熱愛自由的閒雲野鶴了。

每次到日本我都會好想李生, 因為這位仁兄最夠格和我一起去: 膽子夠大會到深山野嶺去, 不會嚷著要shopping/ 玩機動遊戲, 頭腦冷靜, 會挑吃, 捨得花錢, 性格爽快又會認路。

人在office, 心卻已飛到勝浦的海岸邊了~

東京都九段下, 靖國神社洗心亭

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Suede - 'The wild ones'

Friday, February 02, 2007


Why do I keep writing this blog? - just want to let you guys know that I'm still alive.
Trapped by Due-D project, as anticipated.
Was wondering why I haven't yet killed myself?!

今期即撈認真好帶脅。When I was chatting with KOC before I left the office today, 即撈 was also leaving but suddenly came over, and tried to squeeze me to get something out of the door during this weekend. He said to KOC: '佢 (he meant 'me') 好乖女0架, 我好錫佢0架"
I almost dropped my jaw when I heard this (so did KOC I believe).

wtf is that all about?

This is my workplace. Spectacular, isn't it?
I confess I'm kinda workaholic.

Got a new camera - Canon Digital IXUS 900 Ti. So I can use the new cam to take more great pictures when I travel around. (Thanks mom for the generous subsidy.)

成個3月只係要返6日工!!! You're right - I'll be going to travel around again, on my own.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Amr Diab - 'Tamally Maak'
蔡琴 - '人生就是戲'