Saturday, December 30, 2006

2006 & 2007

1. 讀完書畢到業 + 考professional exam
2. 轉了去hell-like dept, 證明了自己的工作 / 生存能力
3. 一個人去了日本2次, 到深山野嶺看櫻花, 賞紅葉
4. 搬屋, 真正5星級的家
5. 真正的交心朋友都對我很好, 我覺得自己好幸運

一年內竟然完成了首4項, seriously, 我真係覺得自己好超人 XD

2007 resolutions / wishes:
1. 說一口流利英語
2. fast-track 2年 + big pay rise
3. professional exam one-shot pass晒
4. 到土耳其和吳哥窟旅行
5. 畀我睇一場Dir en Grey或Gazette的演唱會吧


12月只係返左3日 (原本4日, 其中1日sick leave) - don't ask me why, anyway I got paid!
又重溫以前undergrad學生時代sem-break的懶洋洋感覺, 甚至可以每天躲在家看《放學ICU》,《我們這一家》,《多啦A夢》同《Keroro軍曹》

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Gazette - 'Cassis'
Gazette - '貴女ノ為ノ此ノ命'

Saturday, December 23, 2006

merry christmas

- Thanks to people who sent me christmas cards -
forgive me friends, you know I'm preparing for the professional exam, so I can't afford to reply you all one by one. Wish you all have a warm and merry Christmas.
大阪市中央区心斎橋筋, 麦かつ食堂・かつ満

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Wolfgang A. Mozart - 'Fantaisie sur "La Flute enchantee, "The Magic Flute"' (feat. Gil Shaham & Akira Eguchi)
Richard Strauss - 'Waltzes, "Der Rosenkavalier"' (feat. Gil Shaham & Akira Eguchi)

Monday, December 18, 2006



跟旅行團, 導遊不會帶你看這種沒有佣金收的東西/ 沒有shopping和食物(不能說美食), 而又不順路的地方。

神戸ルミナリエ, 神戸市中央区旧外国人居留地界隈および東遊園地

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
中島美嘉 - '雪の華'
Gazette - '菫'
徐小鳳 - '徐想曲'

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Not just a storm in a teacup.

If memory serves me right, I never talked about the business world and politics on this blog. Maybe today I should start it - to show people I have brain and I think. :p

Last night I read Jeremy Zawodny's open protest to Google on his blog (title: 'Google Blatantly Copies Yahoo!?'). Zawodny, an employee of Yahoo!, found Google has copied Yahoo!'s promo page of upgrading to IE7 and sloppishly modified it. The Yahoo! PR group confirmed the page was designed by themselves and nobody, including Microsoft, has ever provided a template to Yahoo!, Google or MS's partners. Zawodny protested for Google's ridiculous and low act and provided two images to enable our side-by-side comparison:-
Yahoo! version Google version
The pages created by Yahoo! and Google are surprisingly similar - but note, Yahoo! designed and promoted this page in October and Google only started to publicize its version 2 days ago. So it is doubted that (perhaps I should say 'undoubted' to Yahoo! people) Google has plagiarized Yahoo!'s IE7 promo page.

And 11 hours later, Google 'revised' their IE7 promo page.

I read through the readers' comments on Zawodny's article and noted there's a respond from Matt Cutts (the head of the Google's Webspam team). Cutts apologized for Google's act - in surface, and then fought back by instances (which form the essential part of his article 'IE7 promo page') of Yahoo! plagiarizing Google's side ads designs and page layout, etc. with images for side-by-side contrasting. Here is one of the examples given by Cutts:-
Google's version Yahoo! version
If Cutts' accusation of Yahoo! copied Google's UI design is grounded, Yahoo! is absolutely more 'wrong' in terms of extent, nature and visibility. So who is 'lower', actually?

Let's go into the reason of Google's copying. The laziest thought is the Google designers were too lazy or had too little time to come up with a new design, so they copied. I think, if they could get a new page within 11 hours, they must have had prepared a second version. And why did they prepare a 2nd ver.? Or will they be so stupid to copy their competitor in such a blatant way? Did Google intentionally plagiarize Yahoo!'s promo page to provoke them, let Yahoo! raise the issue and then go public, and thereby lead us to see Yahoo! has long been stealing Google's R&D results? Or the whole thing is just a blah marketing trick?

I'm pro Google. XD

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
側田 - '情歌'

Monday, December 11, 2006


caught a flu again~ it's bad to sniff, sneeze and blow my nose all the day.
The last time of having a flu happened during the trip to Japan in October because I was infected in the plane, I believe. It's no fun to get ill when you are travelling.

かぜ藥 - 購自佐佐浪薬局, 盛惠1260円。

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Gazette - '花言葉'

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


栃木県日光市, 華嚴滝展望台

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Nicolo Paganini - 'Violin concerto no.1 in D major. op.6' (feat. Hilary Hahn)
Louis Spohr - 'Violin concerto no.8 in A minor, op.47, "in modo di scena cantante"' (feat. Hilary Hahn)
Gazette - '十七歲'

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Questions about Blog

(Quoted from littleoslo's blog)

saintvenus adds:
為什麼朋友們要告訴你: 我正在看你的blog?
為什麼有些人英文奇差, 但又喜歡用錯漏百出的英文 (有時甚至夾雜英文粗話) 寫blog?