Saturday, November 24, 2012

That room...

Chi sin! 
Holy, I was lead to the VIP room when I went to pick up my little stuff from a jewellery shop today.  Got surrounded by jewels that each of the piece worths millions, while my purchase is almost nothing as compared to those expensive pieces . Guess I will never be able to visit that room again in my life!

(image source: 世界腕錶)
Sorry, no phototaking in the shop so I have to borrow one from the mighty web!

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Linkin Park - 'Lost In The Echo'

Monday, November 19, 2012

Bouquet toss

This is the bouquet I got from the bouquet toss in Edward's wedding~ Lucky me!
All the best to the lovely couple!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


人越大, 朋友越少。

我朋友緣薄, 許多我以為生死之交, 可以當一世老友的人, 都因為各種原因而疏遠了。 有的出於炫耀, 有的因為嫉妒, 有的敵不過意氣之爭, 有的源自女孩子之間的比較, 有的步伐不一致, 也有是小器加誤會。

人說人生最好最純潔的友誼都是中學或以前交的朋友, 上大學出來做事後就不要奢望可找到真摯的友情, 信焉。以上幾個例子, 都是大學及工作上的舊友, 曾是戰友, 手帕交, 金蘭姊妹, 孖公仔, 面對人性各種面貌、社會現實, 還是不堪一擊。

Duomo di Milano, Piazza del Duomo, 16 - 20122 Milan

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
陳奕迅 - '最佳損友'