Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Silly picture - 2

広島県廿日市市宮島, 厳島神社, 平舞台

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
王力宏 - '唯一'

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Have fun

Aunt Stella's cookies from Kaohsiung (高雄). I don't know why I bought this stuff there! Actually it's available everywhere!
It can also serve as a mask.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Radiohead - 'High and Dry'

Saturday, February 14, 2009


台灣台北市信義區西村里信義路五段, 台北101

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
方大同 - '愛愛愛'

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Some beautiful things happened in life

北海道有珠郡壮瞥町字滝之町, 近藤果樹園
I did not pick this apple, the farmer gave it to me.

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Lady Sovereign - 'Love me or hate me'
Estelle feat. Kayne West - 'American boy'