Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Manic Street Preachers live in Hong Kong

I became their huge fan when I was 16-17 years old, and I've been waiting to see their gig for a decade! Now I'm old enough to say I know most of Manics' classics, and have a bit of wisdom to understand their songs.

But tonight I forgot to bring my camera, damn it!The Manics kicked off the gig with my all time favourite - 'Motorcycle emptiness' and then played a lot of classics like 'Everything must go', 'Little baby nothing', 'A design for life', 'Faster', 'You love us'... plus a couple of songs from their latest album 'Sent away the tigers'. I was sooo delighted to hear all the classics in live~

Manics ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Last but not least, big thank to Mr. Lee for getting the tickets!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I hate myself and I want to die

上車, 落車。我覺得我應該放棄了, 不再追逐泡沫。
心裡覺得好累, 我不會等待。
不要再問我"為什麼", 又說自己好悶好寂寞。

於是我決定上另一架車, 然後弄得今日我兩個膝蓋和脛骨上, 共有五大道瘀痕。

北海道積丹郡積丹町, 神威岬

saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Björk - 'Possibly maybe'

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Fresh grad.

尋日有個junior問我: 你係唔係fresh grad?
媽咪! 其實我算係你半個supervisor, 仲有我做左0野幾年喇。
不過以我呢副老皮老肉來講, 咁樣算係賺到了~

中國甘肅省敦煌, 敦煌機場

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Roll with it

今個weekend真係好抑鬱, 除左病之外, 又為左0的好低能0既0野而訓唔著。
但頭先睇到新聞話雲南省泥石流成災, 我諗, 災民面對失去家園同親人呢0的先係真正0既不幸。

又, 以前地獄果邊有個老闆又做埋0的仆街0野, 迫走左撐我0既一個老闆。
係呀, 話緊你呀, 死袋鼠佬! Fuckface!


saintvenus' stereo is playing:
Ludacris - 'Get back'
Oasis - 'Roll with it'